Spread Hope: Share Romans 3:23
You don’t need to be an evangelist, to go an evangelize. God has given us all the great privilege to share the good news of Jesus Christ with those who we come in contact with. That classmate who has walked past you in the hall a dozen times this semester? He or she may never have heard the gospel of Jesus. You may be the first one to share it with them through evangelism. Remember that the Holy Spirit will go with you, and will touch hearts and change eternities through your faithfulness.
Paul writes in Romans 1:16, “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes.” When our hearts overflow with the grace of Christ, we gladly share this love with those who have not yet tasted such a sweet deliverance. So let us go and share this love through our evangelism!
The Message of Evangelism: Romans 3:23
Before we can begin talking about evangelism, let’s talk about the message we are going to share in evangelism. Romans 3:23-25 is a great template for how to share the gospel. It says, “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus, whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith.” What does this mean? There are some big ideas here that are important to understand.
“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”
In evangelism, it is helpful to first explain to your listener their need for a savior. The verse above rings true for every individual on earth. Every person has sinned and fallen short of any possible way to attain salvation and be with God in heaven. This is what evangelism is about, our need for a savior! Earlier in Romans 3, Paul even writes that “There is none righteous, no, not one.” Every man, woman and child on earth has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, even the best of us! Because of this, there is a need for a Savior – someone who can save us from our sin.
“And are justified by his grace as a gift, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus”
Evangelism would be so much harder if there wasn’t any good news! Luckily, the message of the gospel doesn’t stop at our desperate need for a savior. The Savior we needed was Jesus! God justified us through the redemption in Christ. We went from sinners deserving punishment, to Children of God saved by grace. This is truly a gift! More than just saving us from the punishment of sin, God also saved us from the bondage of sin so that we can turn away from sin and honor Him. Remember, during evangelism you are bringing a message of hope!
“Whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith”
The Bible is very clear that there is no payment for sin without the shedding of blood (Hebrews 9:22). Most importantly, we understand that Jesus didn’t just get rid of the punishment, He took it for us. He lived a perfect life, yet He took the punishment that we deserved. Now because of this gift, we can have a relationship with God through faith.
And that is the gospel! That is the purpose of evangelism! That is the message of Christian evangelists across the globe. That while we were still sinners, Christ died for us and now by grace through faith, we have been saved. This has been the message of salvation for over 2000 years and continues to be the call to life, even to this day! This message is the very foundation of evangelism.
What is Evangelism?
In short, evangelism is the spreading of this good news! Evangelism involves sharing the gospel message with others. Also, evangelism is an act of love and obedience to God who calls us to go into the world and share.
At the end of Matthew 28, Jesus tells his followers, “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” He tells us the same thing too!
Evangelism is a crucial step of obedience to God in His call to go and make disciples. It all begins with the simple message of the gospel. The call to repent and believe in Jesus. If you want to learn more about discipleship, check out our other biblical pursuit, What is Discipleship and How Do We Do It? That will be a great resource as you begin to share the gospel with others.
Tips on Evangelism
Evangelism is much easier said than done, so here are some tips on how to share your faith!
1. Use your Testimony
Our testimonies are some of the most powerful tools we have for evangelism and sharing our faith. When you’re trying to tell someone how much Christ loves them has done for them, it helps for them to hear your experiences of that love and what He has done for you! Tell them your own testimony of how the gospel has saved your life and brought you into a new relationship with God! Be honest and genuine in how you share your experiences during evangelism. If you’d like to learn more about testimonies and forming yours, check out our January Biblical Pursuit: Tips for Creating Your Testimony.
2. Be a Good Listener
Oftentimes when we try to share our faith, we are met with resistance or coldness to the gospel. Love your audience by listening to them and seeking to understand who they are and where they are coming from. When you can put yourself in the shoes of your listener, you will better understand how to speak the light of the gospel into their life. Lovingly listen to the thoughts and stories of others. Hear their needs and love them as Christ has loved you. You’ll find that evangelism actually has a lot more to do with listening than it does with talking!
3. Don’t Pretend to have all the Answers
When we evangelize and share our faith, it is very common for Christians to face very hard questions that challenge our beliefs. Questions like, “What about evolution?” or “Does God hate homosexuality?” Sometimes, these questions can be very hard to answer, especially when you aren’t prepared beforehand. The worst thing you can do is panic and try to come up with something that sounds good on the spot. It’s okay to tell your listener that you don’t know the answer to their question. Instead, let them know that you can research it and get back to them. Humility is key in evangelism. Take these hard questions, ask a pastor or parent to sit down with you, and do some Biblical research.
4. Pray
In the words of Martin Luther King Jr., “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.” Prayer is an integral part of the Christian walk, and it’s needed for evangelism too! Our God is the God of salvation, who hears our prayers and provides strength and wisdom in our time of need. Pray that the Lord would open the hearts of your unbelieving friends and family so that they would be receptive to the gospel.
5. Go Out And Share Your Faith
The last part of this challenge is to go and do it! In the call to evangelism and discipleship of Matthew 28, Jesus ends his instruction by saying, “Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” Jesus is with you! The Creator of the earth and everything in it is with you! Be a bold light for Christ in your school, work, and home, and start evangelizing!
5 Ways to Practice Evangelism
No matter how well you know the gospel, sharing your faith with someone can feel intimidating. Take courage! Jesus promises that His Holy Spirit will be with you and that He will give you the words to say. However, practicing evangelism as often as you can is still essential.
Here are five ways that you can practice evangelism. Pick at least one to try this week and then one the following week. Getting more comfortable with different ways to evangelize will help you feel prepared for Bring Your Bible Day and beyond!
1. Role Play
This week, get together with a Christian friend or family member and take turns roleplaying how to share the gospel during evangelism. Practicing how you will deliver this message of hope will help you gain confidence and fine-tune what you want to share. Practice asking each other difficult questions in response to the gospel message and give each other constructive criticism on your approach. When it comes time to evangelize and share the gospel with someone, you will feel ready.
2. Practice Telling Your Testimony
Once you have created your testimony, practice telling it. If you had only one minute, how would you share it? How about five minutes? We don’t always have a lot of time when we are evangelizing. Practice being concise in case time is limited, but also practice telling the more detailed version when time allows. Having both long and short versions of your testimony ready will help you clearly communicate when you have the opportunity to share it with someone during evangelism. Share your testimony with at least one person this week.
3. Approach Someone With The Good News
Evangelism doesn’t have to start with going into the middle of a city and evangelizing to every stranger you see. Chances are you have people in your life who need to hear the good news, who need evangelism. Make a list of at least three friends or family members who do not know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. Choose one and spend some time in prayer over them, asking God to open up an opportunity for you to share the gospel this week. When that opportunity arises, share your testimony, and tell them about what Christ did for us and how He desires a relationship with each of us. Find one person this week with whom you can share the gospel. Evangelism doesn’t have to start with going into a city and talking to a stranger
4. Stand Up for Your Values and Beliefs
Standing up for your values and beliefs doesn’t necessarily mean preaching while standing on top of your desk. Christian values often are in sharp contrast with our everchanging culture. When you live out those Christian values daily, others will notice. Sometimes the best witness is how you live your life when you think no one is watching. When a person asks you why you are different, share the gospel with them. Evangelism is more than words, it’s actions too!
5. Pray for Someone
If you encounter someone facing a difficult challenge or is hurting, offer to pray for them right then and there. If you can, pray with them in the name of Jesus, and ask Him to show His love and presence in their life. Prayer is a powerful part of evangelism! By taking the time to show you care and to pray, you are opening the door to sharing the love of Christ with this person. Find at least one person with whom you can pray and share the gospel with this week.
ATTENTION: All this valuable content belongs to Focus On The Family and was written by Emerson Collins